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Welcome to Tanque Verde Community Preschool!
The mission of TVCP is to provide a safe and engaging early childhood program in an inclusive setting where children’s thinking is honored, their differences are celebrated, and the learning environment is intentionally and thoughtfully designed to encourage creative exploration, autonomy, and self-directed play.
We recognize that the early years are especially important for setting the foundation of lifelong learning for all children. Our collaborative approach to education means that children’s voices are respected, their unique developmental needs are supported, and children learn how to problem solve, manage conflicts, and make choices about their learning.
Our staff engages in ongoing professional development focused on research-based teaching strategies and best practices to support all children’s continuous growth. Activities and experiences are purposefully planned to encourage social/emotional, cognitive and physical development that are aligned with Arizona Early Childhood Standards, as well as with the standards of the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
For more information, contact the Director, Kristen Kvaran, at (520) 749-4244 x3106